The Fisherman & His Soul

Inspired by “The Fisherman & His Soul” from “The Fairy Stories of Oscar Wilde”
Acrylic on canvas
Painting size: 50cm x 70cm
Professionally surrounded in a black wooden frame, size: 53.5 x 73 x 5cm
And his Soul answered him, “Thou has not forgotten that when thou didst send me forth into the world thou gavest me no heart. Come, let us go to another city, and make merry, for we have nine purses of gold.”
But the young Fisherman took the nine purses of gold and flung them down, and trampled on them.
“Nay”, he cried, “but I will have nought to do with thee, nor I journey with thee anywhere, but even as I sent thee away before, so will I send thee away now, for thou hast wrought me no good”. And he turned his back to the moon, and with the little knife that had the handle of green viper’s skin he strove to cut from his feet that shadow of the body which is the body of the Soul.
From “The Fisherman & His Soul”